Thursday, September 20, 2012

Welcome Back


I used to write things here. Then I got this crazy notion that I didn't wish to be searchable on the Internets. This crazy notion caused the deletion of most things linked to my name. Now, I'm not saying I'm any saner now than I was then, and I promise nothing in the realm of regularity. However, I feel that I may have some thoughts or feelings that require more than 160 characters and want to post them somewhere other than segmented on Twitter (@philliphgreene if you care).

One thing that I definitely feel that I will be doing is something with books. I challenged myself to read a book a week this year, and I have already completed that a few months early. Therefore, I have a lot to say about the books that I have read (or at least a little to say about each book). I haven't actually finished the 52nd book at this particular moment, but it will be shortly forthcoming. A list of the books I have read this year will probably be the next post when I have the opportunity.

[Insert catchy sign off here]

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